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EEVblog Electronics. No Script, no fear, all opinion! The EEVblog is the world’s biggest engineering blog. An off-the-cuff video blog for Electronics Engineers, hobbyists, hackers and makers (Check out the EEVBlog Forum).

Robotics Today is about robots, robot development and those who make it happen

The 8-Bit Guy YouTube channel about Vintage computer hardware and software

The Old Robots Web Site is a comprehensive historical collection of robots and information guides

The National Robotics Education Foundation (NREF), founded in 2009, is a 501c3 dedicated to robotics-based education efforts. NREF is an informational clearinghouse that identifies the most accessible and affordable curricula, products and learning resources. It has also adopted a goal to provide original and sponsored research that fosters the adoption of robotics within educational curriculum in grades 1-12 to encourage careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
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